Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Popa's birthday brunch!

I can't believe it's January 11th and I'm just posting our December pics, but bear with me, please!

Popa's birthday was on Christmas day, but we have celebrated it early the past few years.  This year we celebrated it on Sunday, December 18th with a little brunch at Aunt Tay and Uncle Joes house.  We had a great time celebrating such a WONDERFUL Dad/Popa!
The yummy food!  Aunt Tay made the quiche and potatoes, Aunt Casey brought the fruit salad and I made the french toast casserole...makes my mouth water looking at all of that food!
This is the only snow we got before Christmas...crazy!  And as I'm typing we still don't have any a matter of fact we have been having 40 and 50 degree weather!
Yaya made homemade eggnog!
Crew loves playing with Uncle Joejoe's toys from when he was little!

And just because this photo Greg took of me is sooooo flattering I thought I would share...cracks me up every time I see it...haha!  Thanks honey...I will make sure to get you back ;)
Crew "sneaking" buckeyes....

And one more buckeye....I think he had six that day!

1 comment:

  1. i dont blame him for sneaking buckeyes.. i ordered a massive amount of them and put them out for guests at my wedding :)
