Monday, June 13, 2011

One little monkey jumpin' on the bed...

Don't worry...this little monkey didn't fall off and bump his head!  But, man oh man does he like to jump...and jump and jump!  And he loves when I sing "One little monkey jumpin' on the bed!"  Sunday morning I was putting on clean sheets and he started bouncing and didn't want to of course, I grabbed the camera!  He is holding his "Mama Llama!"  I picked him up this new stuffed animal and the "Llama, Llama, where's my Mama!" book and he loves them!
Bouncey, Bouncey, Bouncey!

And down he goes!
Crew likes to stand and draw pictures with his dry erase markers.  He usually does this when I'm getting ready in the morning...he runs in my bathroom and says "Momma, come!  I draw sailboat!" he is pulling at my hand to drag me into his play room to show me what he just drew.  I told him Momma would take a picture of it and he said he wanted to take a picture too!  What a stinker!
Since we took the extra queen bed out of our spare room and put it in Crew's room, the spare room has become the toy room...and Crewsie loves it!
And below is what my little Tiki did to one of our favorite books...I was sooooooo mad!  I think her choice of book she chewed is interesting!  Obviously, Tiki is getting back at me because she is no longer my baby...I guess she feels she needs some more attention!?!?

I wish I could say these are all of Crew's stuffed animals, but their not...these are just a FEW of his favorites that he sleeps with every night!  From left to right (some of them have much funnier names then others)...
"Quack, Quack"  "Mousey"  "Dippy (the dinosaur)"  "Mama Llama"  "Keaton (the dog)"  "Green monkey"  "Brown monkey"  "Tony (the green bird)"   "Mama sock monkey"  "Baby sock monkey"  "Rocky (the orange and pink guy)"  "Elmo"  "Bunny" and "Puppy Pillow"  I know one day we will look back and not remember their there you have it!
And little man with his favorite and won't sleep without it...BLANKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not happy about getting his pic taken (before dinner Sunday night).  Daddy gave him a cookie right before dinner!  Bad Daddy!
He eventually gave me a little smile!
Where's my spaghetti Momma!?!?!?
Asking for another cookie!
And Momma telling him no...and he wasn't too happy about it!

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