Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blue Tip Parade!

Tuesday night was the big Blue Tip Parade!  It was the first time I had to been to the parade in years and it was Crewsie's first time to the parade (technically his second parade).  We went with Yaya and my friend Deb and her kids (Larken and Lachlan) and Aunt Casey and her neices (Natalia and Olivia).  It was hot and muggy, but we had a great time!  The kids absolutely loved it...especially the candy...not so much the LOUD fire trucks!  haha!  Crew came home and kept telling Daddy that the "Trucks were LOUD!"
Above:  Crewsie and his buddy Lach!           Below:  4 of the 5 kiddos!
Olivia aka:  Livi!
The highschool band!
Crewsie kept saying "I hug Livi!"
Loved the monkeys!
Some of the cars were even throwing out ice cream and popsicles!  The kids thought it was awesome!
Lachlan and Larken waiting for more candy!
Natalia loving her popsicle!
Some of the antique fire engines!

Natalia, Crewsie and Aunt Casey
I love these pics of all of the kids!  They were all so good when we put them in a line to get a picture and they even all looked!
Funny fact: 
Olivia (1 yr.), Crew (2 yr.), Natalia (3 yr.), Lach (almost 4) and Larken (almost 5)!
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5!  Cracks me up!

Olivia and Crew high-fiving!
Lolly the Trolley...very funny family story about this trolley!  You know what I mean family!?!?! hahahaha!

This is Greg in about 5 years with Crew's boy scout group!  hahaha!  I would pay a lot of money to see that! hahahaha!
Josh the Juggler was quite disappointed with himself when he dropped his prop!
These little girls were so cute!
Crew's favorite...the motorcycles!

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