Friday, May 27, 2011

Summertime! and it's about time!

Thank goodness we are finally (and consistently!) having great weather!  It was a rough Spring (unseasonably cold and rainy...yuck!) and we were soooooo ready to be outside and enjoying some fresh air!

Since we have been back from vacation Crewsie and I have been keeping busy.  We have met with our Mommy's group a couple times...meeting mostly at local playgrounds and celebrating some of the little ones birthdays.  Popa and Yaya bought my grandparents boat and they got a dock out at the Portage last Saturday we spent all day on the boat and had lunch at one of the places on the lake...and it was GORGEOUS!  We are looking forward to spending lots of warm summer days on the boat!

This week we met Aunt Tay's 2nd grade class at the park because they were having "Field Day!" And then one night this week Crewsie helped me make some cupcakes (he LOVES helping Mommy do anything in the kitchen!) and the next day we took them into Aunt Tay's class and shared them with the kiddos!  Today we went to Romp n' Stomp in the morning and enjoyed a Mommy and son lunch and then did some errands!  Yaya and Aunt Tay finish up school early next week and I am beyond excited that they will be able to spend the summer with us!

Captain Momma...hahahahaha!
Crewsie was ready to jump right in the water, but it was still a little on the cool side!

Captain Crew!

He is obsessed with riding his tractor...we are still trying to teach him how to steer it though!

I wanetd to get a "before" picture of my flowers...they always get so big and colorful by the end of the season and I like seeing how they started out.
Crewsie loves to mow

And he loves his sand and water table!
A little birdie flew into our garage...he was just too cute not to take a pic of him!
Visiting Aunt Taytay's classroom!  I think he thought he was a 2nd grader...he sat right down and acted like he had been there all year...hahaha!

It was "Autograph" day at the school, so all the kids were asking Crew to sign their shirts!

This is a pic of Crew that I took of him in my rearview mirror.  On our way home from visiting Tay's class I started thinking about how one day (and really not that far in the future!) my baby will be in school...and I thought I want to remember how he looks when I would look in my mirror and see that sweet baby face!

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