Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day weekend!

Happy belated Memorial Day!  We had a great weekend celebrating with our families!  Thursday night we had dinner at Greg's parents house.  His grandparents were visiting from Florida, so it was nice to catch up with them.  Saturday we didn't really do much...cleaned, did yard work and just relaxed...then Mommy and Daddy went out for a nice dinner just the two of us!  We go out just us about once every six months!  Honestly, we just love being around Crewsie and never want to give him up!  He has never even spent the night away from us!  Our Moms keep begging us to let them keep him over night...maybe this summer we will finally be able to let him go :)  maybe!?

Anyway, Sunday night we spent the day on the lake with Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey and then had a cookout at my parents house with everyone.  Sunday I could feel that my throat was irritated and sure enough I woke up Monday morning with a horrible sore throat.  We had planned to go to Vermilion to visit Greg's extended family, so I just sent them without me.  Greggy said they had fun visiting with everyone!  Today I woke up feeling a lot better and since we were having another 90 degree day we headed to the pool.  Crew is an absolute little fish and LOVES TO SWIM!  We had a great day and he is taking a little siesta as I type!
 Last week the water was only 68 degrees, but by Sunday it was already 76 degrees!  Perfect for swimming!
He wanted to sit on me in the raft the entire time!

Visiting with Grammy Fisher
Chillaxin' in his little chair at Yaya and Popa's

Aunt Casey and Daddy deep in conversation!

Eatin chips with Auntie
Yaya and Popsie

Gramp Cooper and Grammy Fisher

Daddy and Crewsie putting together his Truck Birdfeeder!

A camera phone pic from today at the pool!  What a goofball...but he's my little goofball :)  Love you sweet, silly baby!

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