Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hilton Head Island 2011 - Part 1

Ohhhhhh I wish I were still at the beach!  We have only been home a few days, but I think we are all wishing to be back!  We normally go in the beginning of June with my family and were even scheduled to leave June 4th...but since we have been having the most horrible weather ever Greg, Crew and I decided to go about a month early!  We left Friday morning and stopped in Charlotte to see Uncle Dave and then Saturday morning we only had about a 3.5 hour drive to Hilton Head!  Crew was great for the entire 12 hour drive...there and back home he did FANTASTIC.  As a matter of fact, Greg and I talked on the way home about how he was a perfect angel the entire did we get so lucky!?!  We had gorgeous weather everyday...the ocean felt great, the pool was fabulous, and the food was delicious!  We had a wonderful week long vacation on Hilton Head Island!  Fair warning:  lots of pics!  Note this is Part 1...I couldn't resist getting tons of beach pics of Crewsie (I took 400 pics, but don't worry I won't post them all)!
Our first night at the beach...Crew loved being at the beach so much we went back down to let him run around every night!

Mommy acting like a seagull...and trying to get Crew to do the same!
He just wanted to skip!

Accidentally threw sand on himself!

Mommy's Day breakfast at Sunrise Cafe!  So gorgeous at the marina!

Crew is in love with water fountains...and we saw a ton while on vacation and he always pointed them out!

In front of our condo...notice the water fountain!

Out at Coligny Beach.
I guess I put my cheek up to his too many times when he was a baby, because now he always presses his cheek against mine in every picture!  He's so funny!

Breakfast at The French YUMMY!

Getting ready for the beach....Daddy putting on some sunscreen!

I love catching these action shots of him splashing in the ocean!

Out at the docks at The Boathouse!  One of our favorite restaurants.

An alligator in the SALT WATER!  Scary!
Chowing down on some Sweet Carolina Cupcakes after dinner!

Crewsie is also in love with playgrounds...he points them out every time he sees one and starts clapping like crazy!  We traveled around the island trying to find new ones for him to play on!

Crewsie footprints...

Shooting his new Salty Dog ball over the volleyball net!

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the ocean water!

Stay tuned for Part 2 if you can handle it....hahahahaahahaha!

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