Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey's new house!

Congratulations to Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey on their brand new house!  They signed their papers yesterday and are now officially home owners!  We are so excited for you guys and can't wait until you are all moved in and relaxing in your awesome new home!  I stopped over last night to take some pics and Crew INSTANTLY made himself at home by running around and acting like he owned the place!  He is so goofy sometimes....he was dancing around and "peg-legging" it (inside family joke!) all around their family room!  Congrats you two...we are soooo happy for you!
Their place has three bedrooms and two full bathrooms.  Below is what the two extra bedrooms look like!
Steps to the basement (which they plan on finishing!).
Laundry area
Extra full bathroom

I know Uncle Blake is very excited to get his huge, new t.v. hooked up above this fireplace!  They also got a new couch and table and chairs delivered today!
Master bathroom
View of master walk-in closet and bathroom
Gorgeous kitchen!
Hallway to front door, garage, closet, and laundry
Family room is very spacious with cathedral ceilings
 I forgot to take a pic of the front of the house...I think I will wait to take one once the trees bloom!

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