Monday, April 11, 2011

New camera...yay!

After a couple months of research...reading photography books, asking around, and a lot of online research I finally made my camera purchase!  As you know I LOVE taking pics of my little man, so i was so excited to get this camera!  The next natural step from a point-and-shoot camera is getting an I'm slowly dipping my toe into the SLR pond!  This camera has some awesome features and can do many great things, but I am still a novice and learning.  The place I bought the camera from offers a free intro. class to the camera and many other advanced classes as well.  We are signed up for the intro. class, but it is not until May 7, so for now I'm learning on my own and trying to get more familiar with the camera.  I can't wait to take some of the more advanced classes in the future!
The shutter speed of the camera is so fast and it's funny that I can now capture moments like above!  I could have never done this with my old camera!
The camera has great features when shooting in low-light, but I'm still learning how to use them!
Great close-ups!  hahaha!
Tiki bear!
My little naked cowboy!
Can you say ham?  What a stinker!
Pointing to Mommy's camera.
Hoping to post better and better pictures in the future!  Hopefully some good shots this summer of us sailing!

Feeding "Rocky!"

 My sweet little Mazi!

 Giving Tiki some love!

Yaya and Popa were vacationing in Punta Cana last week, but they are coming back today!  We missed them sooooo much!  Since Auntie Tay was off last week for Spring Break we tried to spend a lot of time together.  We went to the mall and lunch one day, we went swimming another, and one night Momma and Auntie Tay had a girls night...we went to Pad Thai (my first time there...and it was soooo YUMMY!) and then saw the movie "Limitless."  It was so nice getting to spend some one on one time with you honey!  One night we got pizza with Uncle Blake, then Friday and Saturday night we hung out at Uncle Joe and Aunt Tay's house and Sunday night everyone came to our house for Mexican!
 Crew loves his new sand and water table and his new bike!  We had  pretty nice weather this weekend, so all of his new outdoor toys were played with the last couple of days!

 Hanging at Uncle Joe and Aunt Tay's house!  I loved these pics in black and white (although, it looks like Fall, not Spring!).
 Tay and Joe have a great piece of property...they have grape vines, apple trees, asparagus, etc. and are planning a big garden for this summer!  Crew already loves running around their yard!

 Aunt Casey and Uncle Blake trying to fly Crew's kite!
 Daddy had to step in to show them how it's done!  haha!

Hula hoop time!  Aunt Casey was very impressed with herself!  haha!

 We had a great week and great weekend!  Hope everyone else did too!

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