Thursday, September 16, 2010

Swingin' and Singin'

Crewsie's most favorite activity outside is swinging!  I think he would sit in there forever if I allowed him...although, only if Momma is the one swinging him!  He fusses in the swing until we start singing we swing and sing!  His favorites...The ABC's...Twinkle, Twinkle...Wheels on the Bus...and Old McDonald.  He doesn't quite sing with me but he moves his mouth like he is singing...very funny...especially when I say "E   I   E   I   O!" 

Our little man is just shy of 18 months and here are a few updates:  We have a wonderful night time routine and Crew continues to love bath time...especially with Daddy!  Daddy gives Crewsie his bath 95% of the time...and they both love it!  I don't know how Dada became the designated "bath giver" but he never complains and in fact, loves the time with Crewsie!   After his nightly bath, Mommy reads to Crewsie and then lights out for the little man!

Crew has pretty much mastered the spoon and fork!  He actually fed himself some soup last night!  He does excellent with the fork and is getting better and better with the messy spoon stuff...i.e. yougurt, soup, etc.!  He is also getting better with letting Mommy and Daddy brush his teeth...we have been brushing his teeth/gums for quite a while now but it was always a little bit of a struggle to do a decent when we say "ahhh" he actually does it back and lets us do a really good job!  We had to change his dentist appt. but he goes should be interesting!?!?  I actually had to change his 18 month well child check-up too because I want him to get a flu shot and the doctor's office doesn't get the shots until beginning of October...therefore, he goes the first week in October.

We are still getting Crew accquainted with the POTTY!  He will sit on the potty with a book and read...we really just want him to be used to sitting on it and not be afraid...he has been very close to going on it...actually had a #2 on the bath rug right next to the potty today...oh well, he almost made it!  But I know it will still be awhile before he is actually potty trained.

Tumbleebee's:  We had our third class this past Tuesday (already half over!).  Crew really seems to like it...especially the three other little girls in the class!  He always wants to give them hugs...such a little lover!  He has learned new songs, runs through the obstacle course, attempts hanging on the bars, and his absolute FAVORITE...the big trampoline!  The trampoline is about 8 feet wide and 20 feet long and he loves bouncing all the way down it!

Mother Goose:  Crewser had his FIRST Mother Goose class at the library yesterday...there are 20 kids in the class and it was lots of fun!  We sang, read, danced and then there was play time at the end.  We both enjoyed it and can't wait to go back next week!

Monkey boy...he now insists on feeding himself bananas!
At Yaya and Popa's eating a snack while Yaya and Momma made Greek lemon chicken orzo soup...and it was YUMMY...and Crewsie even liked it!

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