Sunday, September 26, 2010

Park Pics...

These pics are from a few weeks ago...we walked to a park close to our house and Crew had a great time playing around the lake and on the playground!  We got back this evening from a weekend at Put-in-Bay...just the three of us and we had a great to come soon!  We had a perfect Fall weekend to be up by the lake...felt like a mini-vacation!  Lots of memories, great food, and some good drinks! 
Can you tell Daddy dressed Crew this day?!?!  haha!
Feeding the duckies...
He literally would have been swimming with the ducks if I would have allowed him!
He learned he could throw rocks...yikes!
He threw left and right handed!?
Back at home relaxing on the swing...
and relaxing in the swing!

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