Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My maturing 16 month old!

One of Crew's new things is helping Mommy unload the dishwasher!  He just started this a couple weeks ago and now whenever he hears the dishwasher open he wants to takes about five times longer to unload, but it is soooo cute to watch him!  He grabs a plate or silverware and brings it to me with a big smile on his face and then watches me put it in the cabinet!

Crew is also getting good at going up and down stairs while holding onto a railing!  For the last couple months we were always on the edge of our seats when he got by a few stairs, but now he has almost perfected it (but we still watch!).  He is also getting good at maneurvering around the playground...he will go up the steps by himself, across to the slid and get on his tummy and then slide down all by himself (again, you can see on his face how proud he is of his little self!).  Crewsie is also starting to love books.  He was always interested in them, but now I can see he is actually understanding and enjoying them more!  I will be sitting on the couch or in his room and say "Get Crewsie a book!" and he will run over pick one out and then climb up on my lap and will sit and listen!  I really see a big difference over the last month and how much our little man is "maturing!"
I can do it!
Loves swinging like this with me...holds on like a little monkey!

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