Friday, July 9, 2010

Lazzzzzy days of summer...

My most favorite days are the ones where Crew and I hang out at home and relax!  It was HOT this day...and Crewsie was having so much fun just running around the backyard playing peek-a-boo behind the bushes, splashing in the pool, and running around the sprinkler!  Auntie Tay and Uncle Joe bought this froggie pool for Crew and he loved the little water feature on the front !  I kept trying to get him to say "ribbit, ribbit" but he just kept laughing at me!
My little goofball!
I will NEVER forget these couple pictures that I took of him while we were swinging together.  He was so content and just kept sitting there sipping his water while I talked to him.  I was telling him that Mommy will always be his buddy and how much I loved him.  I swear he knew exactly what I was saying...he just kept looking at me and it was like he was telling me back with his sweet blue eyes "I know Momma, I love you too!"
You can tell he is kind of holding his breath...the water was pretty cold coming out of the sprinkler!

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