Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fun during the 4th!

We had a great 4th of July weekend...stayed pretty busy!  Saturday we went to Grammy and Grandpa's house...Sunday we went up to the lake and had a cookout with Uncle Ron and Aunt Sue...and Monday we celebrated with my family!  It was a VERY hot weekend (90's) to be outside so much and I was a little worried about Crew, but he did great all weekend!
We tried giving him a lemon in Hilton Head and he reacted the same way...NO reaction to biting a lemon...I can't believe this!  He actually acted like he liked it!?!?
Grammy and Crewsie
Feeding himself coconut cake and then taking a sip of water...
then finishing it up with some BBQ chips!  Loves sweet and salty, just like his mommy!
Playing with his blocks before bed time
Playing in the pool at Ron and Sue's house!
Cousin Abby giving Crewsie a hug!
The view from the Vermilion lagoons...very pretty!
Popsie and Crewsie
Crew playing with Grammy Cooper
Yaya and Crewsie
Giving kisses to the fake birdie!  Such a little lover!

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