Friday, July 2, 2010

Crew's 15 month check-up!

Oh my little ham...Mommy feels the same way every time I have to get weighed at the doctors office...haha!  He was so tiny the first time we sat him in this little seat and now look at him!  He had three shots yesterday...his fourth and final shot for DTAP and Meningitis (I got the DTAP shot last year and I was sore, so I can imagine how my little man feels!).  Crew did great yesterday, but today I can tell he is not himself, a little sore and even running a tiny bit of a fever (99.8).  Hopefully tomorrow he will be feeling better because we have a big weekend planned!

Crewsie weighed:  27 lbs. 2 ozs. (75-90th %)
         height:  32 1/4" (75-90th %)
head circumference:  49 1/2 cm (97%)...this just means he has a big brain and is smart...haha!

We hope everyone has a relaxing and safe 4th of July!
Mommy was bored while we waited for the nurse to come back with the shots so I snapped a few pics...
Love the little butt cheek hanging out!
Daddy and Crewser
Grabbing the mermaids boobie...of course I happened to snap the picture at the perfect time!

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