Sunday, April 6, 2014

CREW IS 5!!!!

My big boy turned five on the 27th!  I can't quite comprehend time or how it has passed so quickly!  I mean, he was two yesterday, right?!

I can't put into words how Crew has changed my life or what he means to me.  He's my first baby, the first kick I felt in my yummy, the first baby I held and nursed.  He's made me a better person (sometimes crazier person!).

I love his little smile and the way his eyes squint shut and his nose wrinkles up when he smiles at me.  He is so smart and compassionate.  Crew is always loving on someone.  Whether it's me or daddy, Capri, Isla, or his doggies.  He loves books and especially likes when mommy reads to him :) Crewsie is truly my best buddy and I love our bond. I'm so proud of him and proud to be his mommy.  Happy 5th birthday baby boy!
He's REALLY ino dinosaurs right now so I got him a Dino rain coat!
And he's into Legos!  So we've been doing a lot of Lego building!

Dance party in the basement...I love how Izzy is a streak in the background!

I decided to make Crewsies bday cake this year!

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