Tuesday, April 29, 2014

15 month check-up...

So....this little midget had her 15 month check up about 6 weeks ago.  I'm a little behind!  Anyway, she was 32" tall (95%) and weighed in at 22 lbs. 4 ozs. (50%).  Her head was also in the 95% but I forget the exact measurement!?

She also has 16 teeth!  PriPri continues to be a great sleeper as well. Takes two naps or one looong nap and sleeps 12 hours at night.  She is LOUD!  Like way louder than Crew ever was!  And she's a major screecher...it cracks me up when I'm not being annoyed my it!  Lol!  She already has an opinion about many things like shoes!  Cracks me up because crew never cared about that kind of stuff and still doesn't!

She is saying quite a few words and will try and repeat just about anything.  She does this funny thing when you ask her to say a word that she knows she can't.  She will stick her chin up and slowly try to say the word. Totally adorable!

Crew- sounds like "Dew"
Crewsie- sounds like "dew weeeee"
PriPri- "peepee"
Tiki- sounds like "teetee"
Mazi- sounds like "maymay"
Down- sounds like "don"
Bobo (my parents dog)
Hi- she says "hi!" Every morning when I get her from her crib :)
She try's to say Grammy and grandpa but those are tricky!
Numnum- means hungry
Water- sounds like "wawa"
But she will repeat anything...she will say pool, bath, car, ball, sand.  She seems to "talk" a little earlier than crew did.

Capri is a girly girl.  She loves getting dressed, pickin out shoes and getting into my jewelry.  And she is sooooo affectionate and snuggly!  She loves giving mommy big hugs and kisses :)

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