Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rolling Ridge Ranch...

We visited Rolling Ridge Ranch again this year back on October 4th!  Just out of curiousity I looked up when we went last year and it was October 5th!  haha!  It was a gorgeous day to visit all of the animals.  Crewsie absolutely loves visiting this place.  He loves the little petting zoo, the horse-drawn ride, and of course, feeding all of the animals!
It's definitely an up close and personal experience!  haha!!!

Me and my babe.   I told him next year sissy will be with us :)

Grammy and Crewsie!

The ostrich kind of freaked me out!  They are just strange creatures!  The guide told us to be careful of any shiny jewelry because they've been known to snatch it!  Yikes!
Crewsie got a kick out of Grammy feeding the silly ostrich!
My little man (10/04/12)
And Crewsie last year (10/05/11)

Such a gorgeous, peacful place to visit!

After visiting the ranch we hit up Der Dutchman for lunch and shopped around Amish country!

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