Friday, October 19, 2012

Preggo update...

The little one had her 30 week ultrasound on Oct. 16th (technically 30 weeks 2 days)! They were checking the exact location of my placenta for delivery and then we got a surprise when the ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to see her in 3d/4d!!!! It was so AWESOME! We saw her moving her little lips adorable! The estimated her at about 3 lbs. 6 ozs. which is the 49th percentile! She was also head down so lets hope she stays this way (at my 20 weeks ultrasound she was still laying across my stomach and not quite head down)!

Me (10/19) one day shy of 31 weeks! I am feeling good...some days more energy than others, but overall I can't complain! My worst symptom right now is acid reflux...yay! So besides popping a couple of tums I'm good! She is a very active/wiggly little one. She is always poking and kicking and rolling around in there! CANNOT believe only 9 weeks to go....65 days!!! CRAZY!

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