Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Crewsie's first day of preschool was last Tuesday, September 11th!   Last year we did the Mommy-and-Me program at the same church and both enjoyed it.  This year he moved up to the 3 year old class.  We had the option to send him Tues. and Thurs., but decided to send him only one day per week.  He goes every Tuesday from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and he LOVES it!  I was worried how he would do without Mommy (because we never leave him with anyone except family!) but he has done wonderful and the teacher said he's a "peach!"  haha!  Mommy has had a much harder time with this than Crew, but I see how much fun he is having and it makes me feel so good :)

Waiting in line to go into his new classroom!
Standing with some of his friends from last year...

Mommy felt like a bit of a basket case this day...I was crying (although I didn't let him see) and I was taking pictures through the window of his classroom.  I felt so embarrassed crying in front of the other parents!  I just hate leaving my baby!!!!  I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when he's in school full time!?!?!
My little sweetheart!
Mommy did a couple errands while he was in school this day and I came across these Spiderman p.j.'s!  He loved them!

Still in love with Harvey...
He hugs him almost every night before bed time :)

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