Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy birthday Gram and a trip to the train museum...

 September 1st was Grammy Cooper's 81st birthday!  We all celebrated over at Yaya and Popa's house.  There are lots of birthday in September in our family...Gram is the 1st, Yaya the 6th, Aunt Taytay the 20th, and Uncle Blake the 30th!  Crazy!

Crew was helping Yaya bring up Fall decorations a week or so ago and in the basement he came upon a buried treasure...Popa's old train set!  It was as if he found a box of gold!  So, Mommmy, Crew and Popa took the train to a hobby/train store in Medina to see if they could get the train running again.  Above the store is a little train museum...

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