Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cedar Point!

A couple of Sundays ago we decided to head up to Cedar Point for the day. It was a perfect day to visit an amusement, partly cloudy, and NO CROWDS!!! Crew had been asking to visit "Dinosaur Island" (a new exhibit within the park actually called "Dinosaurs Alive!") all summer because we would always see it from the boat when we were sailing. Greggy and I said we would have felt like failures if we didn't make the trip for him...and even though we waited until the end of summer, we finally made it! And guess what...once we got there he didn't even want to visit the dinosaurs because all he wanted to do was ride the rides!!!! Oh well!!!

Our first ride was the sky ride above the park...he thought he was on a roller coaster :) We got there at 11:45 a.m. and left at 6:00 p.m.....and we were all exhausted!

He ended up weighing 38 lbs., which is exactly what he weighs here at their scales are right! They have to guess you within 3 lbs. and of course the girl guessed him at 35 lbs....we lost this one....but we got them back when we had them guess Daddy's weight! hahaha! The girl guessed Daddy at 264 lbs.! bahahaha! Waaaaay off!!!
Below we were on the antique cars...

Some of the rides Crew had to be with a parent so Daddy had to ride all the rides with Crewsie since Momma is preggo....and Daddy barely fit!

There are four main areas for little ones. We were surprised at how many rides there were for kids....tons and tons and tons of them!
The frog hopper ride was my favorite one to watch! I love the pic's so cute that two little strangers can have so much fun together!

Front car!!!!

Top Thrill Dragster...this roller coaster is at a 90 degree angle and looked crazy!

One of the few rides I was able to go on and of course I got dizzy! haha! I remember when I could ride roller coasters all day and it never bothered me...gone are those days!

Exhausted and not happy that we were leaving the park, but refused to put down his GIGANTIC elephant ear! Poor thing was out like a light 30 seconds after we got in the car...but don't let this face fool you because he had a blast!

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