Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Crew's Pirate Party!

Crewsie had a wonderful 3rd birthday party last Sunday!  Earlier in February he had picked a Pirate themed party and he even dressed up like a little pirate!  He was so excited when I started decorating the house and putting up all the pirate made me so happy seeing how excited he was!  The colors were red, black and gold (like treasure, of course!).  Crew had a great time celebrating with everyone!

 Our little pirate...

I made some yummy triple chocolate cupcakes...I think they seriously could put you in a sugar coma!
Uncle Brian, Grandpa and Daddy

Crewsie and his two best buddies...Lachlan and Larken!
I made the kiddos their own little treasure chests!
Yaya, Gramma, Popsie and Gram Cooper
Uncle Blakey and Popa holding Isla!

His new bike from Uncle Blakey and Aunt Casey!  He LOVES it!
He got so many great gifts...his bike from Blake and Case, Zoo pass and cool Crayola stuff from Tay and Joe, tons of Spring and Summer clothes, a new life jacket for the sailboat, bubble stuff, a new Leapster, and Mommy & Daddy and Yaya & Popa bought Crewsie a new swing set!  It should be up very soon :)  THANK YOU to everyone!
Larken loved holding Isla!

I found this cool sparkler that was shaped like a 3 for his candle...although, we were all a little afraid it was going to catch something on fire...but it didn't!

Happy 3rd birthday big boy!!!

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