Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crew's 3 year check-up!

Crewsie had his three year well child visit on April 17. The older he gets the more questions he asks about everything and he had A LOT of questions about what was going to happen at the doctors office! I told him the doctor would weigh him, take his height, look in his ears and listen to his heart. I don't think he remembered shots from last year and this year he didn't need anything so there wasn't much fear when we got to the office!

He weighed in at 36.5 lbs. 75-90th%
His height was 39.25" 90th%
He took a vision test and did great and his vision was 20/40 which is normal for his age.
And his blood pressure was 78/52 which is also normal for his age.

The doc said at 3 years old they give an estimate on how tall he will be and she guessed 6'1" to 6'2". She said because he has consistently been in or above the 90th% he will end up pretty tall. Which is really no surprise to us because Greg is 6'2" and I'm almost 5'9". So height definitely runs in the family!

She was thrilled at the fact that he has been potty trained for a year. She asked about his eating habits and I told her he seems to be getting pickier the older he gets. She said that was normal for his age. She was impressed that he knew all his shapes, colors, and recognizes letters and can spell his name. She said keep it up and we will see you next year!

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