Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bunny Breakfast!

Last Saturday morning bright and early we headed to an Easter bunny breakfast at a local golf course.  Crew talked about it all week and couldn't wait to see his friends and meet the Easter bunny!  We had nice breakfast and then the kids got to get up and dance and play around a little and then we all went outside for an Easter egg hunt!  So much fun :)
I was kinda shocked at how fast Crew fell in love with the bunny!  He kept wanting to talk to him and pet him :)
Larken and Abby on the dance floor!

Larken getting a bunny painted on her face!
Abby got a rainbow!
And Lach got a horsey!  Crew didn't get one...not a shocker because he hates anything wet on his face!
Dance time with Mr. Bunny!
Crew was a bit of a stalker....
He wanted more hugs from the bunny...

Egg hunting time!  It was great because they seperated the big kids from the little kiddos.
I should have taken the pic before the kids got to all of the eggs....duh!

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