Thursday, June 16, 2011

Zoo time!

Tuesday morning me, Crew and Grammy headed for the Akron Zoo.  We were having another gorgeous morning and thought the zoo sounded like a perfect place to visit!  We joined again as members this year because it makes the most fiscal sense!  If we go three times it pays for its self and I know we will go at least two more times!  The older Crew has gotten the more he enjoys the zoo and seeing all of the animals.  He runs right up front and wants to get a close look at every animal!  The Akron Zoo is smaller and doesn't have some of the BIG animals like the Cleveland Zoo (i.e. giraffes and elephants), but it is only a fifteen minute drive and easier to walk around...especially for little kids!  And really great for when everyone else is back to work and it's only me taking Crewsie :)

Grammy helping Crewsie get a better look at the penguins swimming!

Barb and I were trying to get Crewsie to chew like the llamas/alpacas!

The ugliest birds ever...i forget if it was a vulture or a condor?!
Going across the rope bridge...
Sleepy kitty...
One of Crew's favorite...the carousel!  This carousel is truly like a work of pretty!
Crew took two rides...after the first he had a slight meltdown and didn't want to get off!

He finds a new girlfriend EVERYWHERE we go!
At Frontier Town!
Riding the new train at Farmland!  Really cute new area for the barns, trains, petting zoo, etc.
Learning how to milk a moo cow!
This bear was ADORABLE...I wish I could have captured a better picture to show what he was was so cute!
And my favorite...the lions!  Doesn't it look like you could go snuggle with them!?!?!
His paws were E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S!!!

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