Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Strawberry Pickin' and Playground Swingin'

Monday morning we met a friend and her Mommy's group at Bauman Orchards to go strawberry picking...it was so much fun!  We had a gorgeous morning...about 65 or 70, sunny and beautiful blue skies!  I could take days like that every day of the year!  Crew and I picked a couple of quarts of ripe little strawberries...now I just need to figure out what to do with them!  Maybe a little homemade strawberry jam...or pie!?!?  Then on our way home we passed a nice little playground and just had to stop and play!  Every time Crewsie sees a playground he yells "Momma!  Gayground!"  Not kidding...gayground, not playgound.

Momma and her little strawberry picker!

Perfect GORGEOUS day!

He wanted to eat one soooo bad!

Crewsie and his friend Jude helping their Mommas pick berries!
Crewsie kept calling these guys llamas, but they were technically alpacas.

How many heads can fit through one hole!?  I swore they were going to get one stuck!
Gayground time!

Loves to swing...definitely his favorite!  The slides are a close second.

He loves when I put him on my lap to swing and go really high!  Obviously I can't get a pic of it...maybe next time Daddy is with us.
Sweet, precious little face...I can't get enough of this kiddo.  I can't tell you how lucky I feel to be a stay at home momma...I feel so lucky and spoiled that I get to spend so much time with my little man.  I just COULD NOT imagine having to work and not be with him everyday...it would seriously break my heart!  I think its going to be REALLY HARD for me one day when he goes to school :(  Can you tell I'm already dreading it!  Luckily it's still pretty far away.

Our strawberries! Yum!

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