Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lots of summertime randomness...

Playing catch-up again!  So many funny, goofy pics that I want on our online scrapbook ;)
I asked crew to give me a kiss and he grabbed my head like this and gave me a huge smooch!  I was cracking up!!!
Big girl thinks she's sooooo funny climbing on everything!!!!
We visited Popa one day and he took this pic :)
Uncle Blakey (aka: Beebo) on the carousel with the two crazies!

My little Mazi is getting old...10 years!
Our little sailor!
She is just so funny...all slouched down and comfy in her chair watching the fire.
Crewsie and izzy at Rinky Dink!

A goober being a goober!
Crew asks for warm chocolate (it's a very tiny bit of chocolate!) milk every morning...just like mommy when she was little!  This morning he had spent the night and Grammys...he's spoiled!
Aunt Taytay and izzy on the bumper boats at Rinky dink!
Why do my kids love markers and not crayons...soooo messy!  Haha!

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