Sunday, September 21, 2014

Always having fun...

I feel like we are on the go a lot!  And with Crew starting preK I feel like it's gotten way crazier lately.  I feel like I haven't stopped for two or three weeks!  But then there are moments, like when I'm swinging with my buddy, that time stands still and I soak it all in.  Crew loves swinging like this with me...we've been doing it since he was a baby.  I don't know how much longer he will want to swing with his mommy, but I hope it's for a long time :)
And then there is this wild thing...Miss Capri :)
Gosh I love his sweet face!
Cedar Point at night!
Greggy and I went to an Indians game for the first time in years!
Crewsie in his bunk bed at Popa and Yaya's!
The girlies cuddling :)

Playing at Grammys house!
Crewsie acting silly!

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