Sunday, June 22, 2014

Capri...18 months!

I can't believe this little munchkin is already 18 months old!  She still seems like a baby to me in some ways and other ways I can see her growing into a big girl!  

A few recent stats:
Haven't taken her into her 18 month check up yet so not sure of her height and weight.

She has great eating habits and will try just about anything I give her but she obviously has her little kid faves like French fries!

I've noticed she's starting to put more words together. Like "Hi Momma..."where Crew"..."up momma".  She also "counts."  At least she thinks she is!  Haha!  She babbles like crazy and I have no idea what she is saying!

Capri definitely has waaaaay more of an opinion than Crew ever did!  Not sure if it's a girl thing or second child?!  She already let's me know if she wants a bow or headband...sandals or tennis shoes....juice or water.  It cracks me up because Crew just went with the flow!

She just recently stopped breastfeeding.  I stopped at 12 months with Crew and had no expectation to nurse her this long but it just kind of happened.  So she was just shy of 18 months.  Crew stopped all on his own so it was a little easier with him.  Capri still seemed I enjoy it so I was the one that had to cut the cord!  She did absolutely fine but I was a mess the first few days.  At night I would come down crying to Greg :(. It's such a bittersweet time.  
She can be a real HAM sometimes!
She has also peed and pooped on the potty!  I am by no means going full force with the potty training but we did the same type of thing with Crew.  We introduce the potty early and keep it in the bathroom and encourage her to sit on it.  And sure enough she sometimes pees and poops!  Crew was potty trained at 24 months so I'm hoping she will be too.
I will spare any viewers the full poopy pic ;)

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