Monday, March 24, 2014

March with my munchkins...

March has been blahhhh!!!  I was soooo looking forward to some spring-like weather, but it hasn't happened very often this month!  A couple days here and there...not enough for my liking!  Anyway, we've stayed busy and still had a lot of fun days!  Above:  My little spider man fresh after a hair cut!
A new favorite...LEGOS!!!  I LOVED Legos when I was little and reallyenjoy building stuff with my buddy :)
Oh, sissy...the thumbsucker!
Crewsie and mommy playing "go-dig" go fish!

Crewsie got a Dino cape from one of his friends and one morning he came in my room wearing it!!!

Sissy loves tape!  She cray, cray!!!
Playing Minion monopoly :)
And below:  crewsie reading to PriPri.

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