Sunday, March 9, 2014

February wrap up...

Thank GOODNESS February is over!  I hate to wish time away, but damn it's been a long cold and brutal winter.  Here's what we did the last week or so in Feb.!  
He got chocolate lip chap in his stoking for Chritmas!  Too funny!  And, yes, I call it lip chap, not chap stick!  Greg hates that I call it lip chap...yet he calls it chip chap?!?!  We are nuts.
I love that I can put Pripris hair in piggy tails!

Picnic lunch in the family room!
Our little paleontologist!

He is becoming quite the little writer!  

Lots of cuddling with this love big while sissy naps ... Like the good ol' days ;)
St. Patty's Day or Easter...she can't decide?!

Cheering in brother at tumbling class!

Mommy around 15 months...
Now, let's pray for warm weather and a beautiful spring!!!

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