Monday, December 30, 2013

Misc. Christmas fun...

To say Crew loved writing notes to the elves and Santa would be an understatement. He made daddy write notes A LOT...and they were VERY specific notes!  
Embarrassed that mommy was taking his picture!

He loved opening up packages that came in the mail!  
This is a note he wanted me to write to one of his buddies.
Crew, Larken and Lachlan!
Pizza party at his bff's house!
Breakfast in be at Yaya's...he's spoiled!!!

One night we all piled in the mini-van to look at Christmas lights!  Pictures do not do these houses justice!  They were crazy!
And becuase the 5,000 cookies we made at Yaya's weren't enough...crew said we HAD to bake Santa fresh cookies from our house!

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