Wednesday, December 11, 2013


We stayed at Kalahari last weekend and it was a great little getaway!  It's only an hour and a half from our house but it felt like we were 10 hours from home.  We forgot all about the cold temps and snow on the ground :)
Our hotel room was great...even had a cozy!

Breakfast the next morning...the buffet was so good and huge!
Miss Thing waiting for her eggs and sausage!
The gigantic real gingerbread house!  It was amazing!

At the arcade!

And after spending probably $25 on tokens we got to pick a .25 item!  Haha!
Crew "had" to have his pic taken by this little sculpture of elephants :). I feel bad that I didn't take one water park pic but last time we were there in the summer I dropped my iPhone in the I wasn't going to take that chance again!  But we were soooo incredibly proud how Crew did...he rode every single ride that he was tall enough for and some of them even scared me!  He was so brave and loved every second of it!!!

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