Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hilton Head Island 2013 - part 1

We had such a wonderful and relaxing 2 WEEK vacation!  We have never taken 2 weeks before and it was FABULOUS!  I think we are now spoiled!  
Eating dip-in-dots!

Visiting Savannah!  What a gorgeous city!

Eating butter and oil at Paula Deen's restaurant!  Ha!

Some if our favorite restaurants...Wild Wing and breakfast at Sunrise Cafe.

Crew loves the beach and rolling around in the sand and building sand castles with Daddy!

My little beach beauty.
Our little man loves swimming in the pool!

Dinner at The Smokehouse (FYI: I gained some weight on vacation!  Haha!)
We had a great time with Uncle Blake, Aunt Casey and Yaya.  We were there for two weeks.  The first week it was just the four if us then the rest if the gang came down the next weekend.

The Skull Creek Boathouse does an amazing brunch (like s'mores french toast with nutella...YUM!) on the weekends and their dinner is walkways delicious!

Hudson's for best meal the entire two weeks!  

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