Sunday, June 9, 2013


Crewsie LOVES going to drive-in restaurants, so when we are in Montrose he likes going to Swenson's!  He likes to sit in the front seat with Mommy :)
Date nights!  Although they're not quite what they used to be when you have your five month old with you!  Haha!  Since the little stinker won't take a bottle she get to tag along with us!  But that's okay with us because they are only babies for such a short time ;)
Getting ready to go to the eye doc with Momma.  Whenever I make my eye, dentist, etc. appt.  I just schedule an appt for Crew too!  Makes it easy and he's always a good and cooperate little guy!  His eyes checked out great and he did excellent during his test.  Doc said he's a little far-sighted, but that's normal for his age.
Grammy met us for lunch after our appointment.
Crewsie lovin' on Isla!

Caught!  What a monkey!

Capri already beating Crewsie up!  Lol!

Crew wanted me to take a pic of him running down the big hill!!!  I kept yelling "Run Forrest RUN!!!"  He didn't know what the heck I was talking about.
Love these three little kiddos!

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