Well, the day has come for our baby girl to turn ONE!!! I really can't believe it. I'm happy, kinda sad, stunned, excited all rolled into one emotion. I will never forget the day we found out we were going to have a daughter. I thought for sure I was having another boy so it was a HUGE surprise to me! I was THRILLED and started thinking about all the fun stuff I would do with my daughter. I thought about how I would bond with her and love her like my mom loves my sister and I. My mom is my best friend and I want my daughter to feel the same way. I know very, very few women who have a relationship with their mom they way I do. We go to breakfasts/lunches/dinners, movies, shopping, vacations, together. She is always supportive, and generous, and nurturing to all if us. It's amazing to me how many moms don't do this kind of stuff with their daughters...or only do it few and far between. I want Capri to know I'm always here for her just like my mom has done for me. I feel like Capri and I are already so close and I know we will follow the same positive mommy-daughter path that my mom are on.
We haven't had her birthday party yet but my mom got her a little cake and cupcake on her actually birthday, December 22!
At first she wasn't sure what to do, but then she dug in!

This is yummy!!!
Oh, I think I will suck this little piece off of my arm!
Haven't taken her to her year checkup yet but I would guess she's around 21-22 lbs., still in 3 diapers, and still in about a 4 shoe...and has 12 teeth...I can't believe it! Wears an 18-24 month.
She's waving bye, clapping hands, pointing at objects, giving kisses, shakes her head no, and barks like her doggies! In the right mood she will even roar like a dinosaur (big brother taught her this one)! Every once in a while it sounds like she says hi and hot.
She is a monkey and climbs on everything! She climbs up and slides down the stairs a million times a day. She catches on very quickly to instructions. I showed her maybe three times how to come down the stairs and she got it! Her hand eye coordination seems very good. She loves books...especially her puppy and kitten books.
She is very goofy and laid back unless she's hungry!!! Then watch out!!! I put a plate if food in from of me and she instantly starts whining for it. Her eating is excellent and literally eats whatever I give her. I don't think she's had baby food for at least 4 months. It's crazy how much more solid food I gave her than Crew. But she acted interested in it way earlier and never had problems eating it! I think with your second kid it is different and you are not as scared?!
She sleeps very well...goes to bed between 7-8pm wakes up between 7-8am. Takes a nap around 10-11am sleeps for 2-3 hours and usually takes another nap around 3-4pm and sleeps for 1-2 hours.
Still nursing...about 3-5 times per day. It's so easy at this point so I'm not obsessing over weaning her. Honestly, I love it and I'm soaking up every moment :)
Her hair is getting so long and I love just stroking her little head. It seems like it's growing so fast.
Oh, my little sweetheart! You came into this world loudly and you continue to be boisterous, and full of life! Daddy and I laugh at your little smile every time you show us your little teeth. You instantly bring a smile to our faces! You are a joy and have made my heart so full!!!