Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mommy's Day...

We had a great Mother's Day celebrating with everyone! I failed BIG time to get pics of all the Momma's...I didn't get one of myself with Crewsie, or Grammy, or Aunt TayTay and Isla :( Bummer...but I did get a couple of good ones of the great-grandparents!

So, I always hear of stories from other parents of little girls and little boys and how they demand to pick out their own clothing. You hear the funny stories of how a little guy wanted to wear his Superman cape everyday or a little girl insisted on wearing a tutu everyday (Aunt Tay went through this stage for SEVERAL YEARS and insisted on wearing a dress everyday to school!). Anyway, Crew insists on wearing pants and not just pants, but "comfty pants"...even though it's been 80 degrees outside....drives me CRAZY! I think this week we have finally turned the corner and I've talked him into wearing shorts...hallelujah! So for the Mother's Day cookout at my parents he looked like he just rolled out of bed.

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