Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some recent pics from the camera phone...

Camera phone pictures will have to do for now!  These are a few recent pics of my Crewsie Bear!  He is doing so well and such a joy!  He still sleeps between 10-12 hours per night and takes a morning and afternoon nap (these naps usually last an hour and forty-five minutes...literally, they always last exactly this long!)  He gets a very small bottle before naps and bed (3-4 ozs.) but we are weaning him off the bottle...and tonight we put him to bed with no bottle and he did problem at all!  Mommy felt guilty when she stopped nursing back in April and so the bottle feeding has lasted a little longer!

Crew is getting more and more vocal and we LOVE it!  He now will "bark" like a doggie when you ask him "what does a doggie do?" he very softly says "woof, woof, woof!"  sooooo cute!  Tonight Grammy Barb was asking what a watch says and he would say "tick, tock, tick, tock" wasn't totally clear, but you could tell what he was saying!  Crew has some new favorite foods:  loves mandarin oranges, papaya, pineapple, mango, still likes salmon (in small amounts), loves peanut butter crackers, all different types of rice cakes, and tonight he even ate some hummus and pita chips...haha!  We have been having a nice and relaxing week since returning from vacation last weekend!  We've taken a lot of walks to the park for Crew to play...he loves this!  And even went out to the pool, but got scared away because of a nasty storm!  Hopefully soon I will get this computer problem figured out...I have no idea what I did, but definitely screwed it up...oops!

Sleepy bear...
Watching the rain...

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