Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pics coming soon...

Okay, so I have been trying to download our vacation pictures since we got home...we are having computer issues and I'm trying to figure it out!!!  We had a wonderful vacation on Hilton Head Island and I can't wait to share the pictures with everyone.  Crew LOVED the beach and ocean!

Crewsie will be 15 months old on the 27th (we go for his check-up July 1st)...I just CANNOT believe he is 15 months!  I swear he does something new everyday...it's hard to keep up with!  He now waves to everyone...and I mean everyone!  He sees a little kid ride by on a bike and he's waving like a crazy man trying to get the kid to look at him...he waves at dogs...EVERYTHING...haha!  Last night he actually starting blowing us kisses!  It is ADORABLE!  Then we were clapping telling him what a good boy he was when he blew us a kiss...so now he blows us a kiss and then claps for himself!  I love this kid...he couldn't get any better :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Karcyn's doing the same thing...waving at everyone....people, cars, dogs, etc;) So cute! It's true...they're so amazing!
