Saturday, August 27, 2011

A relaxing Sunday...

Last Sunday we went hiking at the Hinckley Reservior.  We really enjoy going for walk/hikes this time of year and especially in the fall.  It was a little bit of an overcast day, but it was perfect for walking around.  Last year we packed a picnic and hiked around Whipps ledges (also part of the Hinckley park system).  We have a lot of really nice park systems around the area and plan on taking advantage more this year now that Crewsie is a little older!  And he LOVES it!!!
Some of these pics are in sepia, black and white, etc.....I just couldn't decide which I liked better!?!?!  He loves collecting rocks and throwing them into the water!

This pic should be called "Determination!"  He was on a mission to find rocks!

Notice the matching camo outfits...this was done on purpose by Greggy...cracks me up!

Mommy and Crewser headed into the little store.

Then he wanted to see the boats...aka: canoes, kayaks.

The sun started coming out and it ended up being a pretty nice day.

A great day just relaxing and enjoying nature!

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