Monday, August 8, 2011

Celebrating Popsie's 79th birthday!

We were so happy to celebrate Popsie's 79th  birthday last wednesday night!  Gram and Pops drove over and met us at the was actually their first time riding on the new boat!  We all took a nice little ride on the lake and then ate at Dietz's for dinner!  Mom had bought a banana cake for dessert and it was delicious!  During dinner Crew kept asking for cake....just like his Mommy!  haha!

Happy 79th birthday Pops!

Crew loves to "drive" the boat!  And honk the horn!

Four generations!
My lovely Gram and Pops!
Dinner and cake time ;)
Crewsie and buddies!

I was trying to get a shot of Crewsie's dancing skills!
I love these next series of pictures of Gram and Crewsie...Grammy was making funny faces and Crew couldn't get enough of it!

Precious!  I love these types of moments!

Crew's new thing is catching lightning bugs!  After we got home from the lake that night he drove around in his tractor looking for them.  He will see one light up and yell "I see one!" then run over and try to catch it with his net and then yells "I got one!"

Silly boy!  I told him he caught a love bug!

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