Monday, July 25, 2011

Crewsie's Update...

I realized once Crew hit 2 years old there were less and less big "milestones" to keep documenting every month or sometimes even every week.  As a matter of fact, I don't think I've done one since he turned 2!?  So here are just a few things that may not really be milestones, but are things he does/says that I don't want to forget.  I know one day I will forget what he liked, what he was saying, or what he was doing at this age!

Last time I measured him he was 36" tall and last week he weighed exactly 34.0 lbs. on my scale at home.  I recently got his feet measured for shoes for the wedding and he was a size 9, but the lady said he would wear a 9.5 (well usually kids shoes don't come in half sizes!).  Wears 3T or 4T tops and 2T bottoms (so I can never buy the cute sets of p.j.s because the tops are either too small to get the bottoms to fit or the top fits, but the pants are huge!).

He is obviously completely potty trained at this point (I have not changed a poopy diaper since March and before that I had only changed a couple in February!  He has a pee accident maybe once a month, if that...usually when he is laughing!)  He has stopped doing this, but I didn't want to forget it...he used to hold his booty and say "Elmo" when he had to poop!  It was hysterical...the reason he did this was because his potty seat on the big potty had Elmo on's amazing how kids minds work and what he associated pooping with Elmo!  haha!

Lately, when you tell Crew to do something he does not want to do he says "Go away, Momma!"  or "No way, Mommy!"  Obviously, his way of telling us to buzz off and leave him alone!  He has also started this thing where for example he will get a treat and I will say "Last one, buddy!" and then he asks for another and another and another all while he says "Last one!" or "One more time!"  He obviously doesn't get the concept!!!

He continues to be in love with anything choo-choo trains or far his most favorite.  Also, loves to play with his Lincoln Logs and likes to color on his easel.  His stuffed animals he plays with a lot too.  He continues to love to have Mommy read him books and one of his new favorites is a dinosaur book.  Speaking of dinosaurs he loves this show on PBS called "Dinosaur Train!"  He has never been a "t.v. watcher" but this show he I make sure I DVR it for him in the mornings!

I love to hear him goes something like this:  one, two, free, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven (he always forgets four and will always count to at least eleven...He has gone as high as 17, but he always counts to eleven...cracks me up!)

Last month he finally started "steering" his tractor.  For the longest time he would just go in a circle and not move the wheel, but he knew how to back up.  So finally he is driving all over the yard and we don't have to worry about him running into any trees, bushes, flower, or our cars!

He loves playing in his playroom...we made the guest room his playroom back in March because he had so many toys they were taking over every room in our house, so we decided to put most of them in one spot.  Every morning he wakes up and wants to go play in there!

He is still a good eater, but he is getting more picky as he gets older.  The only meat he will eat is breakfast sausage or a hot dog every once in a while.  He won't hardly even eat a chicken nugget anymore and absolutely won't touch a hamburger, pork, or even a turkey sandwich.  He does okay with veggies...he will still eat tomatoes, cucumbers and the occasional carrot and corn....he won't even eat mashed potatoes!  He does great with all fruit except cantelope.  He does love breakfast food though...eggs, toast, english muffins, pancakes, sausage, loves oatmeal, yougurt.  He also likes pizza (shocker!), pasta, grilled cheese, mac n' cheese, graham crackers, cheese crackers, p.b. and j's.  Crewsie loves chocolate milk (but I use very little chocolate and its the low sugar kind)!  I have to admit that he will eat any type of chip that you could imagine and any sweet that you give him...but any kid would do that, right!?!?  Obviously, we try to limit the bad stuff.

He has all his teeth except is right upper molar (which should be here any day now...I see it starting to poke through).  Crew started teething at 6 months and is just now finishing.  Although, his teeth came in on the early side of teething they came through very slowly (and sometimes agonizingly slow for poor Crew and me!).

He is in his big boy bed and has been since February (crazy to me because I thought he would have still be in the crib!)  He crawled out one night and that was the end of the crib era.  It was a little bit of a rough first month when he first went in the big bed, but after that it has been awesome!  He sleeps from about 9:30 p.m. until 9 or 9:30 a.m.  He also continues to take fabulous naps...from about 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.  I know how lucky I am because everyone tells me so!

And last but not least...waaaaay back in the beginning of May when we were in Hilton Head he said the sweetest thing that any Mommy would want to hear.  We were walking down the stairs of the condo to the car to go to dinner and Greg was holding him and he looked behind at me and said to Greg "I love Momma."  It was the sweetest moment ever and I was so glad that Greg witnessed it!  We always tell him how much we love him and he will sometimes say it back, but this was the first time he did it all on his own...that little boy has my heart and him so, so much :)
Crew with Cousin Abby!  I wish they lived closer because they play together so well.  Crew adores her and Abby is like a little Mommy to him.
I think it's obvious what happened in the below picture....I think they were playing tattoo parlor!  hahaha!  What you can't see is that Greg had given Crew some nice ones too!  I think one said "I love Mom!"

Loves his cars!  And we LOVE this big boy!  He is 28 months old this Wednesday!
We almost have a 2 and a half year old!!!

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