Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blake & Casey's Wedding Day! - Part 1

Saturday, July 16th, 2011 was the BIG day...Blake and Casey's wedding day!!!  It was an absolutely PERFECT day in every way...the ceremony, the bride & groom, the reception, and the weather was gorgeous...sunny, a little breeze and about 80 degrees!  We all had a fantastic time and are so happy to welcome Casey into our family...I can't believe she is finally Casey Fisher!!!
The cakes were not only pretty to look at, but the were the best cakes ever!  They had all different kinds...chocolate, strawberry filled, banana, red velvet...soooo yummy!

Lounge area where the guests had cocktails and appetizers after the ceremony

Adam (one of the groomsmen) almost knocked himself out on my parents neighbors trampoline after rehearsal dinner on Friday night.  Long story short...tried to do a flip and knocked himself in the head with his knee and ended up with 10 stitches!

Tavern area where the guys hung out before the wedding.
Bridal Suite

The bride getting dressed!

Casey's brother Jaime and their Mom, Jean

Anna, Junior Bridesmaid
Me (an emotional idiot)
It doesn't get any cuter then this!

Here comes the bride!

We didn't get pic when the wedding party was announced...but Crew changed into his converse shoes and Bruno hat for the reception!

First dance has husband and wifey!

I absolutely love this photo...Crew's face tells you exactly how he feels about his Aunt Casey!

Matron of Honor speech
Best Man's speech...absolutely hands down the best best man's speech I've heard!

Could not keep his hands off of the girls!  hahaha!

We literally could not keep him off of the dance floor...he danced around while everyone else ate!

My new sister-in-law...hahahahaha!  Lots more pics to come...we took a ton!

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