Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend!

We had a wonderful and relaxing Easter weekend!  It started off Friday night at Yaya and Popa's...we have dyed eggs every year since I can remember and I love continuing the tradition with Crew!  He colored eggs last year, but this year he really enjoyed it being a little older.  He sat with his little apron on and painted and dipped some eggs until he finally got bored and wanted to eat some more Easter candy!  I think we colored about 4 1/2 dozen of eggs total!  Saturday we enjoyed the morning outside (since we finally got a little break in the weather...YAY!) and that night we had dinner with Greg's family.  Sunday we had brunch at my parents house and had a little birthday celebration for me (I turned 30!).
Everyone joined in and had fun!

Crewsie was sooooo excited to get his hands on the finished eggs!

 Crew in the midst of blowing bubbles...

Crew giving Uncle Dave and Allison some love.

Easter egg hunt at Grammy's!

My two Easter bunnies! hahahaha!
The Easter bunny brought Crewsie a beach towel, pool toys, books, bubbles and a little candy!

Feeding his new baby bear from Popsie and Gram!
My birthday cake from Westside Bakery....OH MY was it DELICIOUS!

Momma opening up some bday gifts!  Yaya and Popa got me some new shoes, purse, trench coat...and from everyone I got Jimmy Buffett tickets!  I was so bummed when I tried to get some last month and some how managed to get shut out, so I am SOOOOO excited that I get to go this summer!
I love the look on Aunt Tays face in the below pic as Crew and Uncle Blake are about to shot something...hahaha!

And Ziggy!

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