Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 year check-up...

Crew Gregory had his 2 year old check-up last Tuesday (April 12th) and all is well with the little man!  He weighed 31 lbs. (90th %) and was 34 3/4" (75th %).  He also got is second dose of Hep. A and his last dose of Prevnar...thank goodness no more vaccines for a LONG time (except maybe a flu shot)!  The doc noticed that both of his bottom molars were coming through (I had only noticed the bottom right one), so we are almost done with teeth too!  haha!  Our doctor was very impressed with Crew's speech and the fact that he was wearing big boy underwear!  She said they normally don't talking with the parents about potty training until they are 3...crazy! 

We also told the doctor how he was climbing out of his crib, so we had to put him in a big boy bed...she said that was great and smart that we didn't continue to let him climb out.  I think he has fully adjusted to his big bed and is sleeping like a champ!  We told her how he had a couple of instances where he would grab his wrist and start crying and didn't want us to touch his arm.  She told us it sounded like "nurse maids elbow."  I guess it is common in small children and has to do with the ligaments in his elbow.  She said it can be very painful for them, but it is something that they grow out of.  This has only happened twice and for Crew's sake I hope it doesn't happen again!  Poor baby!  The next well-child check-up isn't until he is THREE!  Yay!

 Crewsie loves playing with his new art easel!

 Outside enjoying a beautiful Spring day!
 Crew thought it was sooooo funny when we put the sunglasses on Tiki!

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