Friday, November 26, 2010

A VERY Thankful Thanksgiving!

Crewsie eating his SECOND Thanksgiving turkey meal yesterday!  He ate a few bites of everything...turkey, mashed taties, green beans, stuffing, and sweet potatoes...and of course, he had no problem with the peanut butter pie!  YUMMY!

Thanksgiving eve it is tradtion that we hang out at my parents house while we "help" Mom make all of her yummy pies...honestly, we mainly drink and eat and Wii bowl...but Mom appreciates the thought...haha!  Thanksgiving Day we always split our time between both of our families and always have a lot of fun!  Although, we missed Uncle Dave and Gram and Popsie Cooper this year!
 Wanting to play with Auntie Casey...what else is new!?!?!  haha!
 Ok, I really did help Mom with the pies and they were DELICIOUS!  She makes homemade everything...pecan, pumpkin, cocount cream, peanut butter cream...all wonderful!
 Wii bowling...a newer family tradition and very fun...and very competitive if Uncle Blake is playing...ha!
 Somebody is getting tired!
 Daddy and Crew bear on Thanksgiving!
 Diggin' in...
 My little dare devil!
 I'm so very thankful for my healthy, happy little man, my wonderful husband, and our loving families!

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