Monday, November 8, 2010

Crewsie Camera Phone shots...

I LOVE the above photo of just captures his true personality!  I try to take a couple camera phone shots of Crewsie everyday to send to Daddy while he is at work...because Daddy begs me to!  Sometimes I forget and then I get a text from Daddy wondering where his picture is of his little man :)

We are staying busy and gearing up for the Holidays!  We always have so much fun this time of year...we can't wait to start decorating for Christmas, watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music, baking cookies, and doing all of our fun traditional family outings!
Crewsie helped Momma vote!
Crewsie in Mommy's "Yaya" wig!  I HAD to do it!
and one from this morning!

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