Sunday, September 12, 2010

My little man...

A few camera phone pics from Saturday while we were all outside doing some yard work.  Once again I will say how much Crew LOVES being outside...he loves using his little rake, shovel, mower, and broom to help Mommy and Daddy!  He imitates everything we if I can only get him to do the laundry and sweep and dust..haha...just kidding!  We had a beautiful weekend...outside the entire time Saturday and today.  Today we walked to the park and played for a couple of hours on the playground and walked around the lake looking at the duckies...Crew DID NOT want to leave!

I have said in previous blog posts how he loves the Elmo books...well, I found another one..."Elmo's - I can do it!"  He is now in love with this book too!  Crew doesn't really say that many actual words right now but he is so smart in so many other ways...I can tell that the words are literally on the tip of his little tongue!  These Elmo books are called "look and find" books and Crew can just about point to anything that you ask him to stinkin smart!  He can point to the tooth brush, tooth paste tube, potty, toilet paper, bath tub, Teacher, Zoe, Abby, Elmo, bike, balloon, cake, milk, wagon, blocks, truck, orange, apple, grapes, ball, bubbles, car, froggie, duckie, doggie, kitty...I could literally go on and on and on!  I know I'm his Mommy but I'm so impressed with my little man!  I just can't believe that my baby knows and remembers all of these makes me realize how much he is paying attention to everything around him!
And a few camera phone pics from one year ago...he has changed so much!
I always sat him in the bassinet in our room when I would get ready in the morning.
Happy boy!

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