Monday, September 27, 2010

Crew turns 18 months old...I can't believe I have a 1and a half year old...sounds crazy!

Sleepy head!  He loves playing on our bed...he always wants to bring his big stuffed animals with him to wrestle around with!
We had a pretty hot week...unseasonable warm weather (85-90 degree weather!)  We had a very hot summer and Mommy was not happy about this warm spell...thank goodness it is starting to cool down!
Mommy put a couple Fall decorations out and Crewsie of course noticed the Crow!
Crew also had his first trip to the dentist on his 18 month birthday!  The dentist didn't do a cleaning, just an exam and he did so good (by the way, he has 15 teeth...we are waiting on the last upper canine to come through)!  He even opened up to let Dr. Gasser look around!  She said we get an A+++ for getting him off the bottle so young, no pacifier, no thumbsucking (just lucked out on this one!), and giving him no juice (well, practically none...he only gets a very little every once in a great while)..he mainly gets milk in the morning and water the rest of the day.  So overall, great first visit to the dentist...he even got his own new toothbrush, toothpaste and lots of stickers!  At 3 years old he will get an official cleaning :)
Say "Ahhhhhh!"

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