Thursday, November 20, 2014

Long walks with my buddy...

Oh, how I wish it still looked like this outside!  We love fall and try to savor every moment, but it still passes so quickly.  To see some green on the trees and ground would be wonderful right about now.
I love going on walks/hikes with my little buddy.  Luckily, this park is about a two minute walk from house. Crew absolutely loves it :)

There will always be something so peaceful and calming about a walk through the woods.  It clears our minds and our soul.  Crew loves listening to the birds and squirrels running around gathering nuts for the winter :)

Aunt Taytay got Crewsie a fanny pack a while ago and he loves packing it up with tools and snacks for our hikes.
I know you can't stay little forever, but I hope you always remember our walks through the woods with your momma, sweet boy :)

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